In this special Knowing Animals episode Siobhan O'Sullivan speaks to Fiona Probyn-Rapsey about her paper 'Dingoes and dog-whistling: a cultural politics of race and species in Australia' which will appear in the Animal Studies Journal in coming weeks. This episode is also available as a video on Youtube so if you would like to see what we look like, you can!
In this episode of Knowing Animals we speak to Prof. Phil McManus from Sydney University. We talk about his co-authored article 'The construction of human-animal relations: the national jumps day 2013 at Te Rapa, Hamilton, New Zealand’ which appeared in ‘New Zealand Geographer’ volume 70 issue 3, pages 190-200. He explains how the media reported the death of jumps racing horses and the impact of social media on the coverage.
In this first episode in the Protecting Animals series Siobhan O'Sullivan speaks to Emmanuel Giuffre from Voiceless about what drives him to work for animals; the role the law can play in change; dairy cows; and much more.
In this episode of Knowing Animals, Jed Goodfellow, PhD candidate at Macquarie University and RSPCA Australia policy advisor talks about his book chapter 'Regulatory Capture and the Welfare of Farm Animals in Australia' which will appear in the upcoming book 'Animal Welfare Law and Science: International Perspectives' edited by Deborah Cao and Steven White. He explains why Departments of Primary Industries should not be responsible for animal welfare.
In this very special episode of Knowing Animals the podcast Dr. Clare McCausland turns the tables and interviews Dr. Siobhan O'Sullivan from UNSW about her 2011 book 'Animals, Equality and Democracy'.
In this episode of Knowing Animals we speak to Prof. Peter Singer about his iconic book 'Animals Liberation' (1975) and its legacy. We also discuss how his work has been received and what, if anything, he could have done differently. It's available now, and it's free!
In this epiosde of Knowing Animals Siobhan O'Sullivan talks to Erica Fudge about her piece 'Milking Other Men's Beasts' from History and Theory 52, pp. 13 - 28. We discover the place of cows in history.
In this episode of Knowing Animals Anat Pick talks about her latest work Why not look at animals which appeared in NECSUS, the European Journal of Media Studies in Spring 2015.
This episode is the official launch of Knowing Animals the podcast. The launch took place at the Animal Publics conference held at the University of Melbourne, in front of a live audience. The episide features best selling author Jeffrey Masson talking about his latest book 'Beasts: what animals can teach us about the origins of good and evil', published by Bloomsbury Press in 2014.
In this epiode of Knowing Animals the podcast we talk to Dr. Yvette Watt from the University of Tasmania about her photographic series 'Animal Factories'. To view some of the photos from the series go to the Knowing Animals facebook page; the Dr. Siobhan O'Sullivan facebook page; of the @knowing_animals twitter feed. This episode is free, but your reviews on iTunes are very much apprecaited!
In this epside of Knowing Animals Dr. Paul McGreevy from the University of Sydney talks about his paper ‘Whip use by jockeys in a sample of Australian thoroughbred races – an observational study’ which appeared in PLOS ONE in March 2012. He also talks about his policy work trying to create policy change around the use of whips on racehorses in Australia.
In this episode of Knowing Animals the podcast, Dr. John Hadley from the University of Western Sydney (UWS) talks about his upcoming book 'Animal Property Rights: A Theory of Habitat Rights for Wild Animals' published through Lexington Books.
In this episode of Knowing Animals Dr. Clare McCausland discussed her article 'The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare are Rights' which appeared in Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, August 2014, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp 649-662. She argues that we have misunderstood the distinction between animal welfare and animal rights and puts forward the notion of 'welfare rights'.
In this episode Dr. Dinesh Wadiwel talks about his article: Wadiwel, D. (2014), 'The will for self-preservation: Locke and Derrida on dominion, preservation and animals', SubStance, 134:43, pp. 148 - 161.
What do Locke and Derrida have in common? What is systematic violence against animals? Which thinker influenced Dinesh and what does he think we should do to improve the human/nonhuman relationship?