In this episode, we speak to Dr Elan Abrell, a cultural anthropologist who is presently an adjunct instructor at in animal studies and anthropology at New York University. We talk about his book Saving Animals: Multispecies Ecologies of Rescue and Care. This monograph, which is an ethnographic study exploring the ethical challenges experienced by animal sanctuaries in North America, was published by the University of Minnesota Press earlier this year.
This episode is brought to you by AASA, the Australasian Animal Studies Association. You can join AASA today!
It is also brought to you by the Animal Publics book series, from Syndey University Press. This is a series of 15 (and growing!) academic works on animal studies.
This episode features an interview with Dr Eva Meijer. Eva is a philosopher who is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Wageningen University and Research, though she will soon be beginning a research fellowship at the University of Amsterdam entitled ‘The politics of (not) eating animals’. She is also an accomplished musician, visual artist, and author of popular fiction and popular non-fiction. She has published ten books, which have been translated into eighteen languages. Her books available in English include the novel Bird Cottage and the non-fiction books Animal Languages: The Secret Conversations of the Living World and The Limits of My Language: Meditations on Depression. In this episode, we talk about her academic monograph When Animals Speak: Toward an Interspecies Democracy, which was published in 2019 by NYU Press, as the first book in their Animals in Context series.
This episode of Knowing Animals is brought to you by AASA (the Australasian Animal Studies Association) and the Animal Publics book series (Sydney University Press).